Who is IABO

Elusive. If there is an adjective that can qualify Iabo, this is certainly the most appropriate. Used to escape, perhaps because of his background as a writer, he made a virtue of necessity. Refractory to labels, woe to stamp it. You would make yourself an enemy.

Impregnable. Like an energy flow. Liquidate it with the synthetic definition of visual artist it is tantamount to gagging its most genuine nature. He is rather a chameleon, a metamorphic popularizer, totally devoted to the horizontal and democratic dialectic.

Art for him is ecology. Intended as the reuse of creative resources. Aware of the impossibility of adding something new to the existing, he chooses to proceed by subtraction, to explore rather than invent.

After the time of the sensational revolutions, the idea of the work that makes innovation cry out, Iabo sucks its communicative lymph from the world, shakes it, transforms it and then introduces it into a new life cycle.

So much so that his language is immediately decodable, since the semantic component - although based on sometimes complex concepts - is conveyed through a widely diffused and recognizable semiotics.

In this way art regains its usefulness . Freed from the self-referentiality which not infrequently dominates it, it becomes a popularizing tool, in an egalitarian but not demagogic meaning. To the point that the medium / message relationship is perceived in more functional terms than merely aesthetic or conceptual ones.

A versatile and universal alphabet, contaminated and contaminating, which finds its raison d'être in the moment in which it bridges distances, weaves relationships and triggers reactions. A continuous process of de-structuring and recomposition with which Iabo interprets our time. Here lies its strength and, unwittingly, its innovation.

Full biography here: www.iaboworld.com

Elusive. If there is an adjective that describes Iabo, this is the most appropiate. He escapes, maybe, because his background as a writer, he transformed this into a virtue. Hates to be labeled (don't even try it), you would have an enemy.

You cannot catch him, like an energetic flow. to define him whit a "synthetic visual" artist equals to confine his most pure nature. He his a chameleon, metamorphic popularizer, totally devoted to the horizontal and democratic dialecitc. For Iabo, art is ecology, as recycling of creativ resources.

Conscious of the impossibility of adding something original, he decides to explore instead of inventing. It is not more the time of r evolutions or of the art work of innovation, Iabo feeds its creative limph from the world, he transforms it and then inserts it into a new vital cycle. His visual vocabulary is highly recognizable, as its semantic elements -often complex- are channeled through semiotic that is widespread and recognizable. Art appropiates it self of its usefullness.

Freed from being self referentail, it makes itself know not in its demagogic meaning but in its equal. The relationship medium / message is perceived in more functional terms than the aesthetic and conceptual.

A versatile alphabet, universal, influenced and that influences, that finds its life in the moment it closes the distances, creates relations and provokes reactions. A continuous process of deconstructing and reconstructing of which Iabo is interpreter of our time. This is his strength, and unconsciously his innovation.

Full biography here: www.iaboworld.com